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60 Students


Hospitality & Tourism Management

Bachelor of Hotel management (BHM) - Course Introduction

Every human being needs education because it brings out the civilized nature in them which separates them from the wild and dull animals.

Hospitality, in Indian civilization, is an old concept that is being taught at home, whereas the modern concept is more of traveling and exploring new cultures, food, and adventure with the help of science and technology. School of Hospitality and Tourism Management started in the year 2012. Our main focus since has been to inculcate and transform young individuals into successful hospitality professionals with a blend of theoretical instruction, maximum practical knowledge, and various internships. They are then provided with real industry placements that allow them to learn the industry firsthand beyond the walls of their structured classes.

This real-world experience is invaluable in helping them understand the theoretical concepts they have learned within a working environment; it also allows them to build significant industry networks. The hospitality industry is diverse, dynamic, and has endless opportunities which permit one to move across the globe. It enables them to explore, visualize and experiment with new things which gives them the opportunity to start- up an enterprise and utilize the skills and the knowledge gained.

We give students opportunities and a platform to showcase their ability and interest in different competitions held within the department and in the country. Workshops, food fests, and seminars are held every year where we encourage students to know their potential and capabilities and also boost their confidence and create leadership skills. With a degree in hospitality management, there are many different types of careers that can be pursued. Many companies have begun to favor candidates with relevant education. Opportunities in the hospitality sector include—hotels and restaurants, airlines, cruise liners, tour operators, banks, sales and marketing and not to mention self-employed. Our USP has always been 100% placements from year one where we place students in well-reputed 5star category hotels. We have also started with abroad internships, giving students the opportunity to know the hospitality sector overseas. With the students having expertise in both national and international they become more aware of the work culture, and adaptation and excel with pride.

‘We commit, We deliver.’

Eligibility Requirement

  • 10+2 with 50% aggregate in any stream

Scholarships Available for this Course

  • APGST सहायता : Based on our Scholarship Test.
  • According to the percentage in board exam.
  • Various need based criterias for scholarship.
  • HP/Other State Govt. scholarship as per policy.
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